Strength Training Articles

Strength Training Articles

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Outdoor Conditioning

Outdoor Conditioning

As conditioning increases, you will notice improvements in a few different areas. You'll be capable of performing more sets, you'll have the ability to train at a faster pace, and you'll recover faster between workouts. Most importantly, you'll be doing something beneficial to your long-term cardiovascular health. 

Fri Jul 29, 2022
Bench Press Builders

Bench Press Builders

Over the years, Westside Barbell has produced many world-class benchers. This includes multiple 600lbs raw benchers and geared benchers that pressed 800lbs, 900lbs, and even 1000lbs in competition. It is safe to say, Lou mastered the art of building the bench press.

Wed Jul 27, 2022
The Almighty Barbell Row

The Almighty Barbell Row

A weak back is one of the most common reasons lifters fail a lift or injure themselves. Many fear training their back correctly due to misinformation spread by inexperienced individuals. At Westside, we constantly perform heavy good mornings and barbell rows, all while maintaining a low injury rate.

Mon Jul 25, 2022
Westside Barbell Podcast - Chuck Vogelpohl, Marcus Marinelli, Dom Rotolo and Tom Waddle

Westside Barbell Podcast - Chuck Vogelpohl, Marcus Marinelli, Dom Rotolo and Tom Waddle

This is a special episode of the podcast, as it's the first podcast recorded inside...

Fri Jul 22, 2022
Starting Conjugate: Accessory Exercises

Starting Conjugate: Accessory Exercises

What makes the Conjugate Method the premier strength and conditioning method is its ability to...

Fri Jul 22, 2022
Know Your Role

Know Your Role

What makes a training group "good'? In my opinion, a good training group relies on one thing: everyone knowing their role. As long as everyone plays their part, you can guarantee all group members will consistently improve.

Wed Jul 20, 2022
Barbell Conditioning

Barbell Conditioning

As an athlete, your conditioning decides a lot about the success you’ll have in your sport. Failure to maintain proper conditioning levels relative to your sport will lead to decreased performance, loss of ability, or worse - injury. 

Mon Jul 18, 2022
Starting Conjugate: Initial Max Effort Exercise Selection

Starting Conjugate: Initial Max Effort Exercise Selection

Remember, a proper Conjugate Method program is a program that adheres to the scientific principles of strength training. Not a program that exclusively features exercises that look like a Ninja Warrior obstacle. 

Fri Jul 15, 2022
Lessons from Louie

Lessons from Louie

Louie Simmons was an avid reader and consumer of education, so his book collection was...

Thu Jul 14, 2022
Understanding Specialty Barbells

Understanding Specialty Barbells

Today, strength training enthusiasts typically fall into two camps; those who embrace the use of specialty bars and those who believe they are unnecessary. The individuals who embrace specialty bars understand these bars offer an ability to accelerate your gains, given the specific training effects associated with each bar.

Wed Jul 13, 2022
The Importance of Calf Training

The Importance of Calf Training

One muscle group that athletes must address is the calves. The calf muscles play a tremendous role in athletics and should be a prioritized muscle group in any training program. As mentioned above, joint stabilization is critical regarding dynamic movement and power output. Without strong calves supporting the ankles and knees, an athlete is at greater risk of injury.

Mon Jul 11, 2022
Starting Conjugate: Absolute Strength Development

Starting Conjugate: Absolute Strength Development

No matter the sport you compete in, possessing high levels of brute strength is never wrong. Not only will this strength allow you to dominate physically, but it will also allow you to be a tougher, more resilient athlete. However, this is not always the focus when a strength coach prepares an athlete for sport.

Fri Jul 08, 2022
Kettlebell Warm-Ups

Kettlebell Warm-Ups

A warm-up exercise intends to target and activate muscle groups and mobilize the joints while raising the heart rate to increase blood flow. This should be a relatively short process, with a typical warm-up routine lasting between 5-15 minutes depending on your injury history, age, or schedule. 

Wed Jul 06, 2022
How to Use Microbands

How to Use Microbands

You may be familiar with the typical strong, average, light, monster mini and mini-bands, but...

Fri Jul 01, 2022
Primary Accessory Exercises

Primary Accessory Exercises

When you discover a weakness or an issue with a lift, it should be taken as a threat to your success. When under threat, do you address the threat or flee? You most certainly address the danger with every option you have at your disposal. Strength training is no different. 

Wed Jun 29, 2022
Max Effort Deadlift: Proper Exercise Selection and Organization for Consistent Gains

Max Effort Deadlift: Proper Exercise Selection and Organization for Consistent Gains

No matter the athlete, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to strength training. As a coach, it is vital to have the ability to manipulate the exercise selection and programming to allow an athlete to make consistent gains in strength and power without worrying about gains becoming slow or stagnant.

Mon Jun 27, 2022
Starting Conjugate: Dynamic Effort Deadlift Programming

Starting Conjugate: Dynamic Effort Deadlift Programming

When most think of dynamic effort training, they think of two exercises; the squat and the bench press. However, we also utilize the dynamic effort method to increase our ability to generate power in the deadlift, focusing on improving our force production and bar speed the same as we would with the squat or bench press.

Fri Jun 24, 2022
Using Bodyweight Exercises to Increase Fitness

Using Bodyweight Exercises to Increase Fitness

Implementing bodyweight exercises allows you to increase your strength, size, athleticism, and mobility. Movements such as pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups, dips, air squats, Hindu squats, and burpees are some of the oldest exercises we have used to increase physical fitness.

Wed Jun 22, 2022
Understanding the Anderson Squat

Understanding the Anderson Squat

Like the box squat, Anderson squatting will positively impact your rate of force development. Additionally, by eliminating the stretch-shortening cycle and emphasizing the concentric phase, this exercise will greatly improve absolute strength. 

Mon Jun 20, 2022
Dynamic Effort: Building Your First DE Lower Wave

Dynamic Effort: Building Your First DE Lower Wave

At Westside, we refer to our dynamic effort squat and deadlift training as DE lower day. A typical DE lower training day will include squats and deadlifts, with squats being the primary focus and deadlifts being performed as the main accessory exercise.

Wed Jun 15, 2022