A Beginner’s Guide to WSBB Resistance Bands

A Beginner’s Guide to WSBB Resistance Bands

As you begin using the Conjugate Method, one of the first things you will notice that is different from other programs is the use of accommodating resistance in the form of resistance bands. Resistance bands are used in both max effort and dynamic effort training and provide significant benefits to athletes looking to improve their absolute and speed strength levels. 

Resistance bands are beneficial due to their effect on the barbell when a repetition is performed. Typically, athletes will generate an initially strong muscular contraction to begin moving the barbell, with force applied throughout the lift lessening as the lift is locked out. 

When resistance bands are used, the more force the athlete applies to the barbell, the faster the band tension applies increased force onto the barbell. This causes the athlete to sustain a strong contraction for an extended time, leading to accelerated gains in absolute and explosive strength. 

No doubt, resistance bands are effective strength and conditioning tools, but as with any tool, they are only as effective as your ability to properly utilize them. One of the first things you must know when using resistance bands is the average weight associated with each band and which common exercises work best with each band. 

Here is a basic guide to help you begin using the WSBB Resistance Bands (all band weights associated with exercises are based on how we attach the bands at WSBB):

Red Minibands

The red minibands are one of the most commonly used bands out of all bands. Frequently used for both upper and lower body dynamic effort training, athletes can also use these bands for max effort bench pressing or deadlifting. 

Exercise: Speed Bench

Weight: 80-100lbs depending on arm length

Exercise: Speed Deadlift

Weight: 180-200lbs 

Exercise: Rack Pull

Weight: 180-200lbs (quadded)

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The Red Mini Band is our most popular and versatile band, perfect for a wide range of upper and lower body exerc...

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Monster Minibands

As the name implies, the monster minibands are a step up in tension from the red minibands. These bands are most commonly used by strong individuals who need a bit more tension on specific exercises like speed bench than the red minibands allow. 

Exercise: Speed Bench

Weight: 100-120lbs depending on arm length

Exercise: Speed Deadlift

Weight: 220-250lbs 

Exercise: Rack Pull

Weight: 220-250lbs (quadded)

${ originalPriceWithQuantity } ${ productPrice }
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The Westside Barbell Monster Mini Band is the next level of resistance beyond the Mini Band. While maintaining t...

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Light Bands

At Westside, we most commonly squat and bench using the light bands. We will anchor the bands around the monolift and a 4x4 block for the squat. When benching, we will halve the band around the anchor point and the barbell. 

Exercise: Bench

Weight: 120-140lbs depending on arm length

Exercise: Squat

Weight: 130-160lbs (anchored)

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The Westside Barbell Light Band is the next step up in resistance after the Monster Mini Band. An increase in wi...

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Average Bands

This band is most commonly used as accommodating resistance for the squat. If we are performing a max effort exercise against bands, or increasing band tension for speed-strength or strength-speed training, the average bands are used. 

Exercise: Squat

Weight: 180-200lbs (anchored)

${ originalPriceWithQuantity } ${ productPrice }
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The Westside Barbell Average Band is the next step up in resistance after the Light Band. An increase in width h...

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Strong Bands

The strong band is the most commonly used band for squats at Westside Barbell. Generally, athletes will use the strong bands if we perform a max effort or dynamic effort squat against bands. 

Exercise: Squat

Weight: 220-250lbs (anchored)

Remember, all band tensions are based on how we hook our bands up at Westside Barbell. Please visit the Westside Barbell blog for more information regarding resistance band training.


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The Westside Barbell Strong Band delivers the highest level of tension we offer, making it ideal for advanced st...

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