MMA Articles
Articles Tagged with MMA

Too Tough to Take Down
I have said it before and will repeat it; when skill sets are equal or similar, the stronger, faster, and more athletic athlete almost always prevails. If you have to bet on a fight, and all you know about the two fighters is that they are equally skilled in martial arts, but one athlete squats 800lbs while the other squats 315lbs, who would you bet your life savings on if you were forced to?
When skill and technical ability are practically equal, as they usually are at the top of any sport, absolute strength and athleticism make the difference.
Thu Apr 13, 2023

Absolute Strength for Grapplers
One important attribute in all sports, especially grappling sports, is absolute strength. Absolute strength represents the maximal amount of force an athlete can produce. Gains in absolute strength for a grappler lead to stronger takedowns, better sprawls, improved control, and the ability to use strength to force submissions when technique fails.
Tue Oct 11, 2022

Conditioning for Grapplers
Tue Oct 04, 2022
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