Strength Training Articles

Back Training Articles

Articles Tagged with Back Training
Starting Conjugate: Developing the Mid and Upper Back

Starting Conjugate: Developing the Mid and Upper Back

The development of a strong posterior chain is a necessity for all athletes. Whether an athlete is focused on strength or conventional sports, a strong posterior chain will increase force output, improve stability, and enhance durability. A critical aspect of posterior chain development is strengthening the muscle groups responsible for supporting the spine.

Tue Mar 05, 2024
Westside Barbell Back Training

Westside Barbell Back Training

Developing the back muscles should be a top priority for all athletes regardless of sport or training goals. These muscles play a significant role in strength and sports performance due to the role they play; supporting and stabilizing the spine. As we know, having a stable and adequately supported spine is the key to force production. 

Thu Jan 05, 2023
Exercise Progression: The Barbell Squat

Exercise Progression: The Barbell Squat

The law of accommodation states that if an athlete wants to continue progressing in their training, the stimulus must change regularly. Athletes can achieve this in a few ways; by increasing the intensity and volume or by creating an exercise variation. It’s a simple concept and the most important law of training.

Tue Sep 13, 2022
Starting Conjugate: Rack Pulls

Starting Conjugate: Rack Pulls

The rack pull is an exercise that allows us to train at specific joint angles based on the pin height. Joint angle-specific training will enable us to set up an exercise that places a lifter in positions and ranges of motion that they struggle with the most. Conversely, we can use the rack pull to put a lifter in an advantageous position, allowing a lifter to train around an injury. 

Wed Aug 03, 2022
The Almighty Barbell Row

The Almighty Barbell Row

A weak back is one of the most common reasons lifters fail a lift or injure themselves. Many fear training their back correctly due to misinformation spread by inexperienced individuals. At Westside, we constantly perform heavy good mornings and barbell rows, all while maintaining a low injury rate.

Mon Jul 25, 2022
3 Recommended Sumo Deadlift Variations

3 Recommended Sumo Deadlift Variations

The sumo deadlift is an exercise that offers powerlifters and athletes various training benefits. By utilizing the sumo deadlift, you will gain strength and muscle mass that will carry over to conventional deadlifts and squats. This occurs due to the complete targeting of the hips and legs the sumo deadlift offers.

Mon Jun 13, 2022