Upper Tier

Dynamic Upper
Straight Bar Bench 9x5@50% 1RM
-against mini bands
-3x5 moderate grip
-3x5 bench grip
-3x5 wide grip
DB Bench 2x10, 2x20
-keeping arms at 45º(emphasizing the triceps)
DB Rollbacks 5x15
-keeping elbows tight(no flare)
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 3x20
-target high on the clavicles
Banded Tricep Pushdown x400
-40-70 each set
Straight Bar Bench 9x5@50% 1RM
-against mini bands
-3x5 moderate grip
-3x5 bench grip
-3x5 wide grip
DB Bench 2x10, 2x20
-keeping arms at 45º(emphasizing the triceps)
DB Rollbacks 5x15
-keeping elbows tight(no flare)
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 3x20
-target high on the clavicles
Banded Tricep Pushdown x400
-40-70 each set