Westside Barbell: GPP Home Workouts Wk.2

Westside Barbell: GPP Home Workouts Wk.2

Giant Sets

*extra workouts

In contrast to last week, we’ll be instituting a large amount of motion and angles back to back.

After going once through a Giant Set, take time to recover to 90%.


Day 1.0


Giant Set 1. x3

-Diamond Push-up x10

-Banded High Row x40(band looped above eye level, each hand holding each of the bands ends, driving elbows back until the thumbs touch the rib cage)

-Close Grip Push-up x10

-Banded High Row x40

-Normal Grip Push-up x10

-Banded High Row x40

-Wide Grip Push-up x10

-Banded High Row x40


Giant Set 2. x4

-Banded Pulldown x30

-Straight Arm Banded Pulldown x30

-Band Tear x40

-Straight Arm Banded Pulldown x40

-Banded Face Pull x50

-Straight Arm Banded Pulldown x50



Day 2.0


Giant Set 1. x3

-Wide Stance Air Squat x10 (hugging weighted object(could be a large bucket filled with rocks))

-Wide Stance Wall Sit x1min

-Normal Stance Air Squat x15 (hugging weighted object)

-Normal Stance Wall Sit x1min

-Close Stance Air Squat x20 (hugging weighted object)

-Close Stance Wall Sit x1min


Giant Set 2. x4

-Banded Good Morning x40

-Frog Stance Banded Pull Through x60

-Lying Banded Leg Curl x80

-Seated Banded Leg Curl x100

-Standing Banded Abs x30



Day 3.0


Giant Set 1. x3

-Chair Dip x20 (elbows tight(not flared))

-Heavy Object Curl x20 (this could be your pet, a large stone, the chair, etc…)

-Chair Dip x30 (elbows flared)

-Heavy Object Curl x30


Giant Set 2. x5

-Banded OH(overhead) Ext. x30

-Banded Hammer Curl x30

-Banded Tomahawk Ext. x40

-Banded Preacher Curl x40

-Banded Williams Ext. x50

-Banded Face Curl x50 (band attached up high akin to a face pull)


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*In-stock items will ship out next day


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