Multi Erector

Multi Erector
Max Effort Lower

Pin #2 Conventional Rack Pull 1RM
-hold for a 2sec count at top(competition pause)

Sled Pull x3 Trips
-1 trip = 60m down AND back
-remain upright
-90% recover after each trip
-drive hips into the belt
-always pulling with the heel to activate the glutes/hamstrings

Bent Pendulum Reverse Hyper 3x30
-low back emphasis
-rep count does not begin until a burn is achieved in the low back
-if no Bent Pendulum at gym, elevate the side of the Hyper the hips hang from

Seated Single Arm Row 3x8(each arm)
-use plate loaded machine if able

Hanging Leg Raise 4x10
-1sec pause at top

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