Circa Max: The Plan.

Many people ask through email, phone calls, and direct messages of how to perform Circa Max. If you are so inclined, beneath is a plan for how we perform our 3 week meet prep. Remember, unlike other training systems, 2 days a week we are training over 90%, thus the body is already accommodated to maximal weights.
Week 1
Monday - Replace the max effort session with moderate-to-heavy auxiliaries from sled pulls, ATP box squats, or good mornings. Nothing is to failure, just good burn.
Wednesday - Typical upper max effort
Friday - Straight Bar near 1RM to competition depth box w/ near maximal bands (these bands for our lifters equate to approximately half of what ends up on the bar)
Saturday -Typical upper dynamic effort
Week 2
Monday - Replace the max effort session with non-barbell moderate auxiliaries from sled pulls, reverse hypers, ATP marching
Wednesday - Typical upper max effort
Friday - Straight Bar at 50% of previous week’s near 1RM to a competition depth box w/ same bands from previous week for 1 rep
Saturday - Typical upper dynamic effort
Week 3
Monday - Pull meet opener off 2” mats (weight is elevated)
Wednesday - Straight Bar Floor Press near 1RM
Friday - Light auxiliaries and mobility
Sat/Sun - Meet day
Need Supplies?
*In-stock items will ship out next day
Need more structure or variation? Want to see videos or have Louie Simmons answer your questions? Join our conjugate training based membership site.