Westside Barbell: GPP Home Workouts

These are primarily extra workouts for the back end of the day for one's GPP(general physical preparedness) and SPP(special physical preparedness).
However, they are also targeted towards maintaining as much as possible while unable to get to the gym.
Day 1.0
Air Squat and Hold 1xMax Time
-hold tight parallel squat positions
-be sure to flex the hips and be actively ripping the carpet
Single Leg Split Squat Hold 3xGood Burn (each leg)
-legs at 90º
Seated Banded Leg Curl Hold x30, 45, 60, 45, 30sec
-legs at or just past 90º
Ab Bridge 3xMax Time
-keep abs engaged
Day 2.0
Push-up Hold 1xMax Time
-most comfortable position
-arms at 90º
Band Resisted Push-up Hold 5xGood Burn
-mini band wrapped around back and around hands
Banded Front Hold 3xGood Burn (30-45sec)
-standing on band, holding opposite end at eye level until it dips beneath chin
Banded Face Pull Hold 2xGood Burn (30-45sec)
Day 3.0
Banded OH Tricep Ext. Static Hold 6x30sec (arms at 90º)
Banded Hammer Curl Static Hold x30sec
Banded Pressdown Static Hold 5x40sec (arms at 90º)
Banded Reverse Curl Static Hold x40sec
Banded Tomahawk Ext. 4x50sec (arms at 90º)
Banded Supinated Wrist Static Hold x50
Need Supplies
*In-stock items will ship out next day
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