Max Effort Lower Week 38 Day 1

Max Effort Lower Week 38 Day 1
Warm up
Reverse hyper
Box jumps
Do a few reps with the bar to get familiar with it, do a few warm up sets until you are ready to engage in the max effort movement.
The Lift - Retest Pin 3 rack pull
After you have completed your warm-up sets do no more than 7 working sets. This means on your 7th set you should be going for a new 3rm
Now that you know your max you should only do 3 lifts above 90% and the third one should be a new PR.
Start with the bar over the middle of the foot. Tight lats before you start the lift
Box jumps with Weight ball 4x10
Standing hamstring curls 3xmax
GHD back ext 4x10
Ankle weight walks 3x400m