Let's take a minute to review and revisit accommodating resistance (AR) for the squat and bench.
At the top of the movement, the total AR should come to ~25% additional weight. This ~25% is of the lifters 1RM competition max. For example, if a lifter benches 400lbs, the accommodating resistance at the top of their speed work should be no more than 100lbs total at the lockout. This goes for the squat as well.
**However recently we've had great success when squatting with BANDS as our AR with the percentage being ~33%. The ability to handle a greater percentage comes with training maturity and the use of overspeed eccentrics when utilizing box squats as we do.
At the top of the movement, the total AR should come to ~25% additional weight. This ~25% is of the lifters 1RM competition max. For example, if a lifter benches 400lbs, the accommodating resistance at the top of their speed work should be no more than 100lbs total at the lockout. This goes for the squat as well.
**However recently we've had great success when squatting with BANDS as our AR with the percentage being ~33%. The ability to handle a greater percentage comes with training maturity and the use of overspeed eccentrics when utilizing box squats as we do.