The Secret Weapon in Strength and Conditioning
At Westside Barbell we are constantly asked what is the most effective and versatile piece of equipment used to train a fighter. The answer simply is the Westside Barbell Belt Squat™ Machine. Hands down this is the most effective device to strengthen and condition a fighter at the same time. It puts no load on the upper back or shoulders as the weight belt is pulling from the hips down which will actually traction out the spine and can help cure pelvic tilt.
Time under tension is the key component of what gets a person strong. Due to the belt squats design I can have a 170lbs fighter like Matt Brown perform belt squat walks or belt squat grappling for 5 minutes straight with a weight of 355lbs constantly pulling him down from the hips. When a fighter can do this without fatigue in training come fight day there opponent is in a world of trouble. Depending on the exercise or movement selected this belt squat does and will build tremendous strength in the glutes, hamstrings, hips, lower back and upper back while increasing the fighters lactate threshold, rate of force development and dynamic strength endurance. In preparation for all fights Eddie Wineland under the guidance of his Special Strengths coach Jason Gus will use the Belt squat as an essential corner stone of there strength and conditioning protocol. Below is an example of some of the many exercises that are performed with all our fighters below.
Stand in a wider than shoulder width stance with the belt placed around the hips and lower back. Start to walk forward then backward pushing from the sides of your feet keeping the stance wide. This is a great exercise to both warm up with or to use as an end of workout conditioning exercise.*Throw in some upper body shadow boxing or overhead kettlebell presses to add variety to the exercise.Sets (1-3) Reps (5 minutes per set)Weight on the Belt Squat-Start with 90lbs at the beginning. The aim is to have at least your body weight on the machine while performing each exercise!
Stand in a wider than shoulder width stance with the belt placed around the hips and lower back. Then Choke 2 Westside Barbell mini bands onto the belt squat frame making sure to place them wider than the body. While holding the bands in each hand in a upper body fighting stance start to walk forward and backward pushing from the sides of your feet always keeping the stance wide while simultaneously throwing punches and elbows and ALWAYS keeping the hands up at head height.
Sets (1-3) Reps (5 minutes per set)
Weight on the Belt Squat-Start with 90lbs at the beginning. The aim is to have at least your body weight on the machine while performing each exercise!
Stand on two disc stability pillows in a wider than shoulder width stance with the belt squat attachment connected to heavy bag. Grasp the bag in a gable grip and walk from side to side on the same spot. This exercise is a great fight conditioning tester for us and we usually perform this at the end of work out when an athlete is in a somewhat fatigues state.
*To change this up remove the discs pillows and walk forward and back with the bag.
(Sets) 1 set of 5 minutes
Weight on the Belt Squat-Start with just the bag at the beginning. The aim is to have at least your ¼ of your body weight on the machine while performing this exercise!
The Exercises and drills that can be done on this are limitless. We try to change the exercise stimulus on the belt every 3 weeks and always making it progressively difficult within that time frame. Upper body pad work and belt squat grappling adds a new dimension to fight specific training, If you don’t have a Westside belt squat, find one! Even better make your gym or strength coach get one or at least try it out. I assure you that it is a game changer in over all strength and conditioning for all athletes especially for those in combat sports.
Remember that strength is the great equalizer,
Stay Strong,
Stand on two disc stability pillows in a wide fighters stance or a shoot position with the belt placed around the hips and lower back. Begin to lower yourself very slowly into a squat like position pushing your knees out and pushing from the sides of your feet and then slowly raise your self back up. It should take you 30 seconds to squat down and 30 seconds to come back up.
(Sets) 1 set of 5 minutes
Weight on the Belt Squat-Start with 90lbs at the beginning. The aim is to have at least your body weight on the machine while performing each exercise!