Goodbye to Dr. Squat

Many are called a legend but few can answer to it. Fred Hatfield was a true legend to many including myself. I first met Fred in the 1977 junior nationals where he was tossed out of the meet jumping out under the bar while squatting.
I saw his first World Record in 1979 in Canada at 181lbs where he made 738lbs to break Ron Collings world record. He broke many world records, wining two worlds in 1983 and 1986 and he ended with 1014lbs squat at 257lbs at 45 years old in 1987 at the Hawaii World record Breakers meet.
Fred was far ahead of his time when combining strength and science. He made it possible for me the explore explosive training and acceleration and he truly led the way with C.A.T (Compensatory Acceleration Training). He wrote several books and would give his advice freely.
I always admired Fred and I ALWAYS will,
Long Live Dr. Squat