The Evo Jack is a modern twist on the Genesis Jack created by Kleva Built. This is the evolution of the patented barbell jack made in conjunction with Kleva Built.
The Genesis Jack makes loading and unloading barbells a breeze. Simply hook the Evo Jack on the shaft of the barbell near the collar and pull back on the contoured grip handle. Whether you’re working towards your next deadlift PR or making incremental changes for other lifts, the Evo Jack will help you lift safer and smarter – saving energy for what matters most – the lift.
Evo's small footprint and lightweight makes it ideal for packing in your gym bag or storing neatly in your home gym. The Evo Jack is small but mighty. Made of specialized molded composite material, the Evo Jack can easily lift over 800LBS (400LBS each side) of the barbell.
The Evo Jack is safe to use on any surface and won’t scratch deadlift platforms.
• Patented
• American Made
• 18.25" Tall
• Solid, molded one-piece construction
• Budget friendly
Inventors: Steve Kleva, AbMat Team