Strong Back

Max Effort Lower
Deadlift off 2" Mat 1RM
-sumo OR conventional (whichever you are weakest at)
5" Deficit Conventional Deadlift 3x5
-soft touch on floor(no bottom pause/reset)
Reverse Hyper 4x30@70% 1RM (from today)
-glute emphasis
Sled Pull x6 Trips
-rest to 90% between each trip
-holding heavy med ball at waist
Standing Cable Abs 6x10
-straight down
-1sec pause at bottom
Deadlift off 2" Mat 1RM
-sumo OR conventional (whichever you are weakest at)
5" Deficit Conventional Deadlift 3x5
-soft touch on floor(no bottom pause/reset)
Reverse Hyper 4x30@70% 1RM (from today)
-glute emphasis
Sled Pull x6 Trips
-rest to 90% between each trip
-holding heavy med ball at waist
Standing Cable Abs 6x10
-straight down
-1sec pause at bottom