Conjugate Conditioning

Conjugate Conditioning

    Conditioning. Many athletes can’t live with it, yet, in many sports cannot perform without it. At Westside we traffic not only in absolute strength and power, but strength endurance as well. While not a large proponent of bodyweight conditioning, we tend to lean much more towards ‘weighted’ or ‘strongman’ conditioning. Many know we like sled pulls for 60 meter trips (this being 60m up AND 60m back, 120m total), however the method to how we map this out over time can be misunderstood. To no one’s surprise, we program the conditioning in as a ‘wave’, be it 3 days a week or a traditional 3 week rotation.


3 Day/Week

  • Day 1 - High weight, high intensity. 3-6 trips, recover to 90% post trip
  • Day 2 - Moderate weight, moderate intensity. 8-12 trips, recover to 90% post trip
  • Day 3 - Light weight, low intensity. 14-20 trips, low rest time between trips

3 Week Wave

*3 days a week of the following

  • Week 1 - Light weight, low intensity. 14-20 trips, low rest time between trips
  • Week 2 - Moderate weight, moderate intensity. 8-12 trips, recover to 90% post trip
  • Week 3 - High weight, high intensity. 3-6 trips, recover to 90% post trip
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